Inky Fingers

Who doesn't love seeing their name in print? Here's a list of publications under my belt with many more on the way.

Academic Publications
"The Song That Goes Like This: The Art of Theatrical Sign Language Interpreting and Translating"

Online Publications
"Where'd I Park the TARDIS: The Pop Culture Savvy Terp"
"Cochlear Implants at Amusement Parks" (Cochlear Implant Online)
"Captioning at Home and Beyond" (Cochlear Implant Online)

Book Publications
(in progress)

For the Writers Within Ourselves... 

... here are some resources that I've found helpful in sparking the creative ideas within myself.

Deaf/HOH/Deafblind Writers
John Lee Clark
Raymond Luczak
Marlee Matlin

"The Deaf Writer: Does It Exit?"

Miss Snark, the Literary Agent

The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)
National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)
Publishers Weekly


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