Christmas at Marshall Fields: A PLAYMOBIL Holiday Creation

Every year I do a Christmas Display. Click here for the 2014 theme. This year, I decided to honor Chicago and its famous department store, Marshall Fields. Circa 1900, the display takes elements from the Victorian, Medieval, and some modern themes of PLAYMOBIL to create this display. 

The recreation is not an accurate replica, but rather, an inspired building with four floors instead of 13 floors as found at the original building at 111 North State Street, Chicago. 

"Meet me under the Clock." 
The clock at the corner of State Street and Washington Avenue.

Delivering the presents. 

"Give the lady what she wants."

Every year, the ground floor windows are decorated with a theme. Over the years, the themes changed from Cinderella to the Nutcracker to Harry Potter to Mary Poppins to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and many others. In this case, the windows reflect the Cinderella theme. 

Viewing the windows - hello there, Cinderella!

A view from the street.

"Feed the birds, tuppence a bag."

Originally, the Walnut Room restaurant is found on the seventh floor. Here, it is on the fourth (top) floor. A peek through the window reveals the festivities taking place inside. 

Inside the Walnut Room.

A visit with Santa.

"After you, madam."

Ready to serve the guests.

Waiting for an available table. 

No display is complete without cameos from the chimney sweepers. 

"Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!"


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